With The Feldenkrais Method®, you will discover ways to move with more efficiency and ease.
In learning to remove habitual muscular patterns of contraction that have developed over time and have come to inhibit the natural flow of your movements, you will gain confidence in how you can use yourself in your body and your movements in more healthy and sustainable ways.
You will learn to trust the innate wisdom and intelligence of your body that will empower you to improve how you function and improve the overall quality of your life.
"Make the impossible possible, the possible easy, and the easy elegant." Moshe Feldenkrais, Dr. Sc.
Release pain and chronic discomfort
Minimize the effects of stress, reduce fatigue.
Improve your posture
Feldenkrais group classes are called
These classes are sensory-motor learning in action. They assist you in a movement process to facilitate how your brain can learn efficient ways of moving and being in your body.
The movement explorations are pleasurable, inviting curiosity and gentle inquiry while, at the same time, bringing a deeper
calm, for your body and your mind, to work in better integrated ways.
TUESDAYS, 1:00 to 2:00 PM
WEDNESDAYS, 9:00 to 10 AM
Feldenkrais private sessions are called
These one hour sessions will assist you in developing a personalized movement process that will help you release habitual patterns of muscular contractions and improve fluidity and ease of movement.
In releasing back pain and easing chronic discomfort, you can embark on an integrative journey to continue maximizing your health.
Each session is customized to your specific needs.
Private sessions in 2 locations:
Auburn and Sacramento, CA
Discover the Integrative Power of Mindful Movement.
Rekindle your Body's Innate Intelligence - Rebalance - Reorganize
1:30 to 4:00 PM
There is a wise knowing restorative force that lives within each and every cell of our bodies. How can we access that innate intelligence to better support our health and allow more ease in our movements?
In this workshop, you will experience the connection of mind and body in a revitalized way. You will take the time to fine tune your attention to what your sensations are telling you as you explore awareness in movement.
Join me as I guide you in a somatic process of sensory-motor exploration that will help you experience better functional movements, renewed ease in your body and rediscover an energized feeling of well-being.
Visit All Souls Sanctuary at: www.allsoulsyoga.com
Isel has been a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner® and movement therapist for 20 years. She has worked with people of all ages and abilities, helping clients with relief from persistent aches, pains and chronic pain and expanding their ease and range of motion, working with people recovering from injuries, assisting clients with neurological conditions as well as supporting infants and babies with early developmental challenges.
"I cannot convey enough how much I value the work that you do with the Feldenkrais Method. I find it the most refined and grounding work that I have ever experienced – it is elegant, subtle and profound."
Patti W., Auburn, CA
Find out how The Feldenkrais Method® can help you.
Call me for a FREE phone consultation. I look forward to woking with you!
(530) 888-9607
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1116 22nd Street, Sacramento, California 95816, United States
Isel offers private sessions and classes both in Auburn and Sacramento. Call for a free 15 minute consultation. (530) 888-9607 (530) 391-8451